Monday, September 16, 2013

Humanism reading thoughts

Humanism is so fascinating to me because although it was intended as an educational way of being, it was designed not only as that.  It was really brought together to benefit those who were, or at some point were to hold social positions.  It was meant to be a way of study, and never meant to be spread throughout the classes.  The people who studied humanism were those such as princes, noblemen, statesmen and citizens.  The ultimate goal was to achieve Eloquence in every area possible.  Those teaching and leaning the humanistic approach placed a high importance on the use of grammar.  They believed that grammar led to rhetoric, and rhetoric in turn led to eloquence, which gave one "the art of persuasion". 

Throughout humanism there seemed to be a dividing line between the "divine" quality of language and culture, verses the lesser "regal" quality of arms & government. 

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